Wednesday, September 17, 2008



2. Collectivism-people in all make the decisions
Individualism-making decisions by ones self
Socialism-making decisions with a society
Capitalism-the government or a country makes decisions
Communism-making decisions by communicating.

3. I will place my idea about what I've read so far about the essays. Ayn Rand
was a very radical capitalist from the Soviet Union. Her concepts are still controversial today, some fifty years after completing her major works. College classes are dedicated to understanding what she is saying. For us, as high school students, to be required to comprehend something that is so dense that college professionals devote years to conceptualizing, is derogatory. So, to impose a collective train of thought on an idea such as individualism is an insult to her and her books. I feel like we should not read it as a class because it undermines her own teachings, and therefore is contradictory to Rand's whole philosophy, something that she fought aggressively to live by. I don't know if we are going to read the book as a class, but if you want to offend her by reading collectively, please be my guest. However, I would prefer not to be apart of it.

1 comment:

dd adams said...

Derek, I'm glad you took the time to make your blog look so nice but could you pick a different background/layout? Simply because this one cuts off the beginning of each line (as you can see in your posts) and I need to be able to read all of what you write in order to give you an appropriate grade. Thanks!